Positive Leadership

Commit to being a positive leader in your family, social circles, community, and organizations. Choose self-awareness, personal integrity, purpose, hope, mindful interactions, support, forward motion, a positive environment, and your values. Happy Leaders and Happy Employees lead to success and impact.

I have always believed in positive leadership. I was a leader of teams for 15 years, and I continue to work with leaders and teams in my current work. And I believe that positive leadership is more important now than ever before. And when I talk about leadership, I mean, being a leader in your family, being a leader in your social circle, being a leader in your community, being a leader in your work, and being a leader on the planet. So much is happening right now on social media and in the media, in our cities, in the country, and I truly believe that positive leadership is so vital. It's our responsibility to be a positive force in this world. So, what are some ways that you can enhance your positive leadership right now? Self-awareness is really important. So, knowing when you are in a really negative space, knowing when you are not showing up to the best of your ability to your family, to your colleagues, and to your teams, self-awareness is crucial.

Personal integrity is very, very important. Being clear on who you are and what you stand for and making sure that you act accordingly. Knowing your purpose, knowing your purpose for your family, knowing your purpose in your community, knowing your purpose in your work, and communicating what gives you meaning, what gives you purpose is going to be supportive in having you be a positive leader. Igniting hope. The world and your social circle and your family needs hope right now. So, what do you believe in, in the future, and how can you ignite hope? Having mindful interactions. There is a lot of stress. There's a lot of anxiety. There's a lot of uncertainty. There's a lot of tension. And with each interaction that you have, whether that be over social media, over text, over email, over a phone call, over video and talking in person, be very cognizant and aware of how you are interacting with people and not reacting, but pausing and choosing how you're going to communicate. Positive leaders have mindful interactions.

I want you to be supportive today and forever, supportive of your family members, supportive of your friends, supportive of your team members. Have a place of openness and being conscious on how you decide to show up and support people around you. I want you to be focused on forward motion. How are you deciding to move from where you are right now and move your family, move your community, move your company forward? And that forward motion and focusing on the future is going to give you energy today. Think about your environments, your home environment, outside your environment, outside, your environment at work, the environment you create for your friends, is that environment negative, or is it positive? And what can you do right now to make the environments where you spend time more positive?

And I want you to remember your values, what you believe in, what you stand for, and to communicate those. All of these will support you in being a more positive leader. And I want you to remember, happy leaders and happy employees directly impact the success of the organization and create impact in the world.

videosTia Graham